Cristina Bacica

Cristina Bacica

"Whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the Universe is unfolding as it should." (Max Ehrmann, Desiderata, Copyright 1952) 

I actually stumbled across yoga in my early 40's, solely as a form of physical exercise. Something decisive happened, however, when I took classes outside of the gym environment and in a real yoga space. Here I began to appreciate the significance yoga already had upon me and it’s potential for an even greater impact. Reflective of its impact, I completed training in 2008 at the Yoga Institute with Lex Gillan and became a RYT 200 with the Yoga Alliance. With this additional training, I started teaching yoga. 

Drawing upon my experience of teaching mathematics since 1984, I transitioned easily into the teaching of basic yoga postures. But my passion for yoga as a way to become strong physically, and from within. motivates me to keep learning and sharing what I know in the hopes of changing lives. My desire to become a more skilled teacher is strong; I attend new yoga classes and workshops as frequently as possible. For instance, I have been fortunate to participate in classes with renowned yogis, such as Sarah Ivanhoe, Sean Corne, Shiva Rea, Judith Lasater and Ana Forrest. Understanding that no one ever masters this unique discipline, I consider every class I participate in as a student and every class where I assume a leadership responsibility, all of part of my ongoing training. I am particularly grateful to be able to take classes with Gina Caccavalla, who introduced me to the science of Ayurveda at Sana Vida in Marble Falls. I am currently taking classes with Robert Boustany of Pralaya yoga and plan to enroll in his 200 hour teacher training. 

Whether it is the universe or simply a series of doors closing while other doors opened, I am brought to this point, where I can share my passion with others. I am grateful to have a husband and family that have been supportive and understanding every step of the way.
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